
Ayurveda , Diet and Panchakarma

Ayurveda is deep-rooted in Kerala from time immemorial and it is the only state in India where Ayurveda still follows age-old traditional laws. The tropical system of Ayurveda practiced in Kerala is perceptibly different from the general practice of Ayurveda elsewhere, reflecting the societal culture in Kerala.

The Ayurvedic way of holistic living is a way of preserving positive health. It is complete only with ideal diet, daily regimen and seasonal regimen. Ayurveda gives guidelines on how to keep away diseases by means of simple dietary and lifestyle changes. The practice recommends readily available herbs and spices for minor ailments. The use of medicinal plants and home gardening in Kerala share a close relationship. In olden days every household in Kerala was equipped with knowledge of the medicinal value found within their home garden capable of preventing and treating almost any ailment was always at hand for the family. Cough, cold, fever, headache, sore throat, nausea, stomach pain, bleeding, poisonous bites and stings and skin problems used to be managed well with home remedies.

The concept of ayurvedic diet Dietetics is an integral part of preventive health care in Ayurveda. Dating back to Indian civilizations and Indian old literature, namely Bhagavadgita, Ramayana, and Manusmriti, every community that lived in India had a clear and separate food belief system. Traditionally the Indian diet uses less processed ingredients and more natural ingredients and authentic Indian food is full of superfoods that Western countries are only recently catching on to.

Kerala, has a culinary system which effectively exploits all the goodness and medicinal value of natural herbs and spices. Cleansing and panchakarma Cleansing is part of the Ayurvedic daily routine in both preventive and curative approaches. Nasal cleansing, herbal mouth washes, cleaning the body with herbal water are all part of it. Periodic intensive cleansing is to be done with change of seasons throughout the year in order to prevent metabolic stress. The term Panchakarma nowadays is almost synonymous with ‘Kerala’. It represents a unique, natural, holistic, health-giving series of therapeutic treatments that cleanses deep tissues, opens subtle channels in the body, increases vitality and ultimately promotes immunity enhancement. It seems simple in its applications but its effects are powerful and longlasting. Panchakarma cleansing Among the six Indian seasons, rainy season or monsoon is considered the ideal time for Panchakarma . It is the time of the year when the human body responds well to oil massages, herbal deep heat treatments and intensive purification. Considering the weather fluctuation due to asymmetric temperature changes in land and water, Ayurvedic diet is restricted to warm and easily digestible foods during rainy days.

Ayurveda and seasonal cleansing

Ayurvedic monsoon/ seasonal regimen
1. ‘Chavittithirummal’- A special technique of massage by foot pressure using long, flowing but controlled strokes over the entire body that generally gives a rejuvenated feeling
2. ‘Oushadhakanji’ – Special porridge recipe using herbal combinations which have detox effect
3. ‘Ariyaaru’ – A combination of six herbal seeds which have been used as a single preventive remedy for all common ailments by the farmer folk of Kerala
4. ‘Dashapushpam’ – A group of ten common herbs considered auspicious due to their medicinal value
5. ‘Marma chikitsa’ – A form of manipulative external therapy which uses vital points and trigger point mechanism to treat musculoskeletal conditions

It is all about managing repeated stress
The human body systems have to constantly deal with internal and external stress and health is affected when the body’s response system gets exhausted. The Ayurvedic way of daily living is a way of managing repeated stress in a natural way. Seasonal Ayurvedic treatments focus on controlling the residual imbalances in the body accumulated due to physical and metabolic stress that happened over the year.

Low Calorie High Fiber Diet In Managing Diabetes

If you are reading this article, there are high chances that either you or someone you know are diabetic. Whether you are pre-diabetic, diabetic or even insulin dependent, the diagnosis always comes with several questions and frustration inside, on what food to take and what not to. Enough has already been said about lifestyle diseases and its management with different medicines. But try reading or searching about what diet to follow, especially in diabetes, you will end up confused more than ever. So, let us find out what new researches say about low calorie and high fiber diet in the management of diabetes and how it is in accordance with what Ayurveda said, ages ago.